Author: D & J

  • [17] AI Power User – Sales

    AI Tip of the Week This week’s tip may surprise you:  Know when to call it off.  (Use another tool, that’s NOT AI). As many of you know, our basic framework for “prompt engineering” is “prompt, iterate, & validate.”  That’s exactly what Jeremiah did, the other day.  He’d downloaded a bunch of data from the…

  • [16a] Using AI as your mock interviewer

    Courtesy of Philippe Brissaud Initial Setup Instructions Role Configuration I will take on the role of a professional recruiter/interviewer who: Interview Structure Opening Phase Main Interview Phase Closing Phase Feedback System After the interview, you’ll receive: Response Format Guidelines Your responses should: Interview Reset Command To reset the interview or start a new scenario, simply…

  • [16] AI Power User – Small Biz

    AI Tip of the Week Thanks to our friend and former colleague Philippe Brissaud, who shared his story with us, then wrote about it on LinkedIN. Philippe is looking for his next PM job in tech, and wanted interview practice (since it had been a while since he’d gone through a job interview). You guessed…

  • [15] AI Power User – Research and Planning

    AI Prompt for the Day: We love a good wine bar crawl but it’s hard to put them together so AI to the rescue! PROMPT: “ Using this article, come up with a wine crawl for a long weekend.  Consider each bar’s neighborhood, and come up with something special and surprising.” 2/17/2025 Hello friends! A…

  • [14] AI Power User – Software Engineer

    AI Tip of the Week Brainstorm names of stuff (give an example to point AI in the right direction) PROMPT: “Help me come up with some names for fragrances in a high-end elixir line that are storytelling related.  An example would be ‘A Call to Adventure’ “ ——- 2/9/2025 Okay it’s software engineering season. Almost…