We guide you in becoming an AI Power User
You either are (or becoming) an AI Power User – using AI to superpower your job & career so that whole “AI will take my job” drama never even touches you.
These days, EVERYONE needs to learn AI for work…why not now?
AI is not our first rodeo. It’s our THIRD (and likely your third as well!):
🐎 First rodeo: Tech that ran on desktops
🐎 Second rodeo: Tech that ran on web and mobile
🐎 Third rodeo: Tech that uses AI
For our day jobs, we work deep in the AI space at Very Large Companies.. More importantly, we work WITH a whole bunch of organizations (Giant companies! Med sized companies! Small companies! Education! Gov!) to plan and implement their AI strategies. Our background is traditional computer science – where we studied Machine Learning once upon a time – and over 25+ years in this industry we have NEVER seen anything gain interest and adoption like AI has.
We thought we’d share what we know with you – whether you’re seeking to learn on your own, or bring these learnings into YOUR org.
Interested? Join the 3rd Rodeo with us!
-Dona & Jeremiah